BETUMI continues to serve as the exclusive North American distributor of several hard-to-find West African cookbooks.

To place an order, send an email to fran @betumi.com or write to Betumi, P.O. Box 222, State College, PA 16804, USA. Payment by check or money order (payable to Fran Osseo-Asare, or BETUMI) must be sent in with order.


This section is currently under development.



Asantewaa Tweedie's self-published all-color 2nd edition (2011) of Melting Pot: Ghanaian Cooking with a Twist, 101 pages. Price: $30.00 plus $4.50 postage and handling.



  • African Markets - a great list for locating ingredients in your area, thanks to African Chop
  • Or visit the blog and ask other people where they buy their African ingredients




Amazon.com is the most comprehensive source on the internet for recently published African cookbooks, largely since many self-published authors sell their books on the site. However, you're often out of luck when it comes to texts that are a few years older, out-of-print, or published outside the U.S., as is the case with the Tweedie's (Ghana), Ayensu (Ghana) and Shardow (UK) cookbooks below.

The Art of West African Cooking
by Dinah Ameley Ayensu

click to enlarge

Originally published in 1972 by Doubleday & Company, reprinted by Fredina Tours,1994. Price: $15.00 plus $4.50 postage and handling (PA residents add 6% sales tax). For multiple copies, add $0.75 per additional book.

A Taste of Hospitality
by Marian Shardow

Trafford, 2002. Price: $12.60 each (over 10% off the retail price of $14.25) plus $4.50 postage and handling (PA residents add 6% sales tax). For multiple copies, add $0.75 postage per additional book.

A Good Soup Attracts Chairs
by Fran Osseo-Asare

Pelican, 2002. Unfortunately, the original full-color hardback 1993 edition of this book is now sold out, though a few copies are still available from on-line book sellers. The paperback version, which came out in 2002, is in black and white, and the quality of the photographs and paper is marginal. However, the content is still excellent. .


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